Of the six core funnels that comes with ClickFunnels, the Fishbowl Funnel is probably the most intuitive. This is the online equivalent of the fishbowls you see at reception desks, checkout etc. – where people put in their business cards/contact details for a prize draw. It’s a great lead-generation tool to have.

So, without further ado, let’s go through Funnel #5: Fishbowl Funnel.

Tip: I always “clone” my funnel templates instead of editing them directly (learn how to clone a funnel here). In case anything goes wrong, I can still start from scratch with the original one! But don’t worry – you can also get a fresh copy of the Fishbowl Funnel here

The landing page is essentially a lead capture form. Make it as simple and easy as possible for people to opt-in. In fact, I would argue that just asking for the email address is enough – don’t ask for more information than is necessary, as your prospects can be put off by a long and complicated opt-in form.

If you’ve been reading my previous posts on the other funnels, you can probably predict what comes next. Yup, the upsell. Since your prospect is already interested in the prize draw, why not use this opportunity to present them with a unique offer?

And finally, don’t forget that the thank you page is another opportunity for you to present your products, services, and exclusive deals.

That’s it! Simple, right?

Another tip: With the ClickFunnels plug-in, you can seamlessly integrate your ClickFunnels pages with your WordPress website and embed a funnel on a blog post or page. Which means? Instead of having a boring “sign up to our newsletter” opt-in on your website, you can use a fishbowl funnel instead to boost the opt-in rate. After all, a prize draw is much more exciting than a newsletter! Learn how to integrate ClickFunnels with WordPress here.